Versions Compared


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  • Fields marked with asterisk (*) are required fields

  • Once accepted, MrSpeedy returns a tracking number and a tracking url for both delivery and pickup.

Meta Fields

Field Name


Accepted Values

Default Values


type of vehicle to be used for delivery

7 (Car)

8 (Motorbike)



Whether or not to use a motobox







  • The default value for weight is 5kg.

  • Weight must be a number and must not exceed 300. 300 is the maximum allowable value as per further testing.As per MrSpeedy Tariffs, You can create an order/post with weight up to 750kg. However this can only be done thru their own website. When using their API, creating orders with weight greater than 300 will return an error.



  • In mrSpeedyVehicle, the maximum weight for Motorbike is 20kg.


Buyout Amount

  • Buyout Amount for MrSpeedy is always equal to the COD amount of the deliveryIn Vehicle, the maximum weight for Motorbike is 5kg, Selecting Motorbike and setting the weight greater than 20kg will result in MrSpeedy’s API changing the vehicle set for the order.An order has a “Motobox fee” if motoboxRequired is set to true. However, there’s no definite value for it, and it can only be determined through the difference between the payment_amount (the total amount to be billed to LMI) and all other fees returned by the API upon successful order creation

  • The maximum value amount for insurance amount (Declared Item price) for MrSpeedy is P10000.00. It means that insurance greater than P10000.00 (P10001.00 and up) would automatically cancel the post.buyout_amount is 1,500.00.


Declared Value

  • The maximum value for COD Amount for MrSpeedy is P10000.00. It means that COD amount greater than P10000.00 (P10001.00 and up) would automatically cancel the post.As per testing, there’s no limit for the value of buyout_amount. However, as per ManCom’s Request, there is now a maximum value of P1,500.00. This means that if the COD amount is more than P1,500, the post will be automatically cancelledDeclared Value is P10000.00.

Sample Create Post Meta Fields Body
