

  1. Through JIRA:

    1. Go to Jira ticket

    2. Click Create Branch

      Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 4.18.27 PM.png
    3. Add correct info for each field

    4. Click Create

Branch Name:

Types: [feature, bugfix, hotfix]

Branch naming convention: <type>/<Jira ticket>

example branch name: feature/FPH-2698-waybill

From Branch:

feature/ and bugfix/ are created from develop branch

hotfix/ from master

  1. Through Bitbucket

    1. go to Bitbucket >FleetPH repository >Branches>Create Branch

    2. fill up necessary fields

    3. Click Create

  2. Though Terminal

    1. checkout to master or develop branch

      git checkout develop
    2. to create branch

      git checkout -b feature/FPH-2698-waybill
    3. to push new branch

      git push --set-upstream feature/FPH-2698-waybill

4. Other method

a. Sourcetree( )