Development Flow
Code Implementation
Create branch from develop branch
Implement new feature or bugfix
unit testing
Create Pull Request
Go to Bitbucket FleetPh Repository>>Pull Request tab>> Create pull request Button
set Source Branch to branch you need to be reviewed
set Destination Branch to Develop Branch
add short description
add appropriate Reviewers
create pull request
Deploy to Beta
Endorse to QA for Beta testing
Note: Mention reviewer in the Pull Request comments and Inform them
“For Beta Testing. NOT for Code Review”
a. IF PASSED: Mention the reviewers in the Pull Request comments to inform them
“For Code Review. PASSED in Beta testing”
b. IF FAILED: Return to Procedure 1
Code review
Code Review Adjustments/ Address Review Points
Approve Pull Request
Merged Pull Request
For Staging
Create new branch : release-<version> from develop branch
Deploy new branch to staging
Endorse to QA for Staging testing
IF PASSED: Endorse to Team lead for Production deployment preparations
IF FAILED: Fix bug and repeat process from Procedure 3
Production Deployment